Population: 1259. (2010)
Elevation: 1,000 feet Established: 1889
County: San Luis Obispo
California USA 93453
Public Safety Phone Numbers
Emergency -911
Animal Services: (805)781-4400
California Department of Forestry: (805)438-5426
Fire Department: (805)438-3185
Highway Patrol: (805)434-1822
Sheriff: (805)237-3000
5th District County Supervisor: Debbie Arnold
1055 Monterey Street Room D430, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
(805)781-4339 district5@co.slo.ca.us
35rd District State Assemblyman: Jordan Cunningham
Capitol Office: State Capitol, Suite #4102, Sacramento, CA 94249
District Office: 444 Higuera Street #100,
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 549-3381
17th District State Senate: John Laird
Capitol Office - State Capitol, Room 4040, Sacramento, CA 95814
24nd United States Congressional District: Salud Carbajal
Capitol Office- 1431 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-3601
District Office: 1411 Marsh Street Suite 205, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
United States Senate: Dianne Feinstein
331 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington DC 20510
(202)224-3841 www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/e-mail-me
United States Senate: Alex Padilla
112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202)224-3553 https://www.padilla.senate.gov/contact
United States Post Office: Sandy Milby, Postmaster
22360 El Camino Real, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
SMAAC: PO Box 627, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
Meets 1st Wednesday of the month at 7 pm at the Santa Margarita Community Hall
CSA 23: Santa Margarita Town Water and street light district
Meets 1st Thursday every month at 7 pm at the Santa Margarita Community Hall
email address: smcsa23@yahoo.com
mailing address: P.O. Box 397 Santa Margarita 93453
Cemetery District: Sue Molle
PO Box 606, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
San Luis Obispo County Library: Shawnita Onwuma, Librarian
PO Box 960, 9630 Murphy Street, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
(805)438-5622 website: https://www.slolibrary.org/
Santa Margarita Lake: (805) 788-2397
Santa Margarita Park reservations
Santa Margarita Elementary School: Principal: Marshawn Porter
PO Box 380, 22070 H Street, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
(805)438-5633 http://sm.atasusd.org/home-1
Atascadero Middle School: Principal: Will Wallace
6501 Lewis Ave, Atascadero, CA 93422
Atascadero High School: Principal: Dan Andrus
1 High School Hill, Atascadero, CA 93422
Santa Margarita Community Church: Pastor: Robert Campbell
PO Box 306, 2525 I Street, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
(805)438-5011 http://www.santamargaritacc.org/
Santa Margarita de Cortona Catholic Church: Father Robert Travis
PO Box 350, 22515 H Street, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
Boy Scout Troop 123: Sean Tashma, Scoutmaster
Meets every Tuesday 7:00pm at Santa Margarita Community Hall
Girl Scout Troop 40024: Michelle Blasingame,
Cuesta del Norte Service Unit Manager (805) 704-8480 mblasingame@hotmail.com
Learning Among the Oaks & Santa Margarita School Gateway to Nature
PO Box 12206, San Luis Obispo, California 93406
(805)544-9096 ex 110
email: lato@cslo.org website: https://lcslo.org
Santa Margarita Community Hall: Tom Severn
PO Box 87, 9610 Murphy Street, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
4-H: Denise Harris
2156 Sierra Way #C, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
(805)781-5943 website:https://ucanr.edu/sites/slo4-h/
Friends of the Library: Shelia Wynne
PO Box 26, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
Santa Margarita Historical Society: Cheri Roe
PO Box 894, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
(805)801-6538 https://santamargaritahistoricalsociety.org/
Lions Club: Tom Severn
PO Box 87, 9610 Murphy Ave, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
PTA: contact the SM Elementary School
Santa Margarita Beautiful: Samadhy Coots
email: SantaMargaritaBeautiful@yahoo.com
http://santamargaritabeautiful.org 805-602-2774
Seniors Citizens Center: Roy Reeves
PO Box 507, 2201 H Street, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
Membership meeting 2nd Tuesday at 11:30 am. Board Meeting 1st Tuesday at 3:00pm at Seniors Center
Volunteer Fire Department: Chief Bob Murach
PO Box 67, 22375 El Camino Real, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
(805)438-3185 (since 1921) http://santamargaritafiredept.org/index.htm
Visit Santa Margarita: Jill Gallagher jill@visitSantaMargarita.com
The Santa Margarita Historical Society Board consists of amateur people interested in preserving our local history. In no way are any warranties made to the accuracies of the information contained in this web site. We have done our best to provide information that is correct but often mistakes in dates or information are repeated so often that they “become their own history”. If you find new information or incorrect information, please alert us at smhistory1889@gmail.com and we would be most grateful.
Copyright © 2004-2022 Santa Margarita Historical Society
All Rights Reserved.
Santa Margarita Historical Society
PO Box 894, Santa Margarita, CA 93453
Copyright © 2004-2022 Santa Margarita Historical Society
All Rights Reserved.